Query for getting lookup table in Row Number order

For your reporting needs, you may want to display values from a Lookup Table exactly in the order they are saved in PWA.


Within PWA, this setting is controlled using “Display order for lookup table” option on Edit Lookup Table Page.




However, this sort order is not available in Reporting Database. Following query uses Published (and reporting) schema to get this information. This is tested on Project Server 2013 on premises.

Solution: Queue job "Project Workflow Check-in" stuck and then fail

Short answer: Restart the “Service Bus Gateway” and “Service Bus Message Broker” Service on the server where Workflow Manager is installed. The detailed description is below.


This has happened to me and a colleague so i thought that the solution is worth sharing.


On Project Server 2013 On premises instance, all my projects were stuck in “Project Workflow Check-in” queue job and that job was failing after about 45 minutes. The queue error message was,



  • Queue:
    • GeneralQueueJobFailed (26000) -WorkflowCheckinNotify.ProjectCheckinNotifyWorkflowMessage. Details: id='26000' name='GeneralQueueJobFailed' uid='b3f897eb-4695-e411-80cd-000d3ad00e15' JobUID='c7c8744b-4295-e411-80cd-000d3ad00e15' ComputerName='8fa7e1bd-09b4-4c64-b019-57c33d5c769c' GroupType='WorkflowCheckinNotify' MessageType='ProjectCheckinNotifyWorkflowMessage' MessageId='1' Stage='' CorrelationUID='1af0dc9c-9e05-a05e-c769-ca04319a2489'. For more details, check the ULS logs on machine 8fa7e1bd-09b4-4c64-b019-57c33d5c769c for entries with JobUID c7c8744b-4295-e411-80cd-000d3ad00e15.

Solution: Project returns to Project Site home page when you close it on PDP

One of the victims of Project Server 2013 utilising SharePoint platform is the navigation (in)consistency.


Here is a description of one of the associated issue (or feature by design, who knows?)


If you

i) Open a Project from Project Centre (Projects Page),

ii) Move between PDPs

iii) Press Close button on Ribbon


You’ll return on Projects page.




But if you,

How much can you over allocate a resource in resource plan?

I was giving Resource plan feature demo to a customer and out of curiosity, customer asked if I can assign 1,000 days of work to a resource on a single day. It turned out we couldn’t. When you press Save after assigning 1,000 days of work the system gave the following error.


“Your updates were not saved because of the following reasons: General error: Work value used is invalid. (Use this error information along with other errors to find out the cause of the problem.)”

Resource Plan


The behaviour was same for generic resources. And this raised the inevitable question from customer. “How much can I over allocate a resource on a given day in the resource plan?”